Saturday, 24 August 2013

Kensukes Kingdom map

We as a whole class are reading a book by Micheal Morpurgo called kensukes Kingdom.It is about a boy who goes on a boat around the world with his mum and dad and his dog.While they were sailing Micheal falls overboard while his parents were sleeping and he dissapear's. We had to do this on google drive on presentation mode.Then we had to find a map. Next we drew lines and moved them around where we wanted them to go. Lastly we animated the lines and words. I think it was fun doing this.

If you can please  leave comments below that would be awesome!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Please leave comments!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow Maddi that was so AWESOME it's so better than mine i am jealous everything is so perfect and PERFECT one more thing it's PERFECT!!!

Anonymous said...

ha ha ha Asenla don't be so mean to yours.I think yours is so cool too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow thats awesome

Anonymous said...

HI Maddison

It was tricky to work out the sequence of places that Michael's family visited. You had to use your inferencing skills to work out the exact order of events on the timeline. Your animations look amazing. Great job!